
Ozone For Disease Prevention

One of the least utilized forms of medicine is treatments for the prevention of disease. This is because people tend to care about fixing current health problems RATHER than preventing future problems. But what would your life be like if you could prevent the vast majority of sickness and disease BEFORE it ever happened? Because that’s what ozone therapy can help you do when used properly.

How Does Ozone Therapy Prevent Disease?

Ozone is used in medicine as a kind of “hormetic therapy”. This is when a stressor (ozone) is introduced to your body to promote a beneficial adaptive response. That means when you use ozone therapy, you essentially “trick” your body into ramping up its natural healing factors with increased blood flow, higher antioxidant production, and a powerful immune response. Because of this systemic (whole-body) response, ozone therapy can help with virtually any ailment AND bulletproof your body from future infections.

Why Is Ozone Better Than Other Preventative Treatments?

Ozone therapy has a different mechanism than most other traditional medications. While something like an antibacterial medication may be designed to kill any bacteria it comes in contact with… ozone therapy boosts your body’s natural ability to identify and kill off harmful pathogens. The idea is to make your body too strong for disease to take hold so you never need to rely on medications in the first place. In addition to the different mechanism ozone works through, many infectious diseases are becoming more resistant to treatment. Some strains of certain diseases like MRSA, Leishmaniasis (a flesh-eating bacteria), and Malaria have been called “superbugs” because they are virtually immune to medications. On the other hand, ozone oil and water therapy have been shown to effectively kill off harmful bacterial infections when applied directly to the skin in cases of MRSA and Leishmaniasis. And when used through IV Ozone, ozone boosts your healing factor so you can PREVENT disease and sickness in many cases.

Should You Use Ozone Therapy?

There are few cases where a patient could not benefit from ozone therapy. As long as you consult with a trained professional, ozone therapy can usually be adapted to give you a positive health impact in some form or another. Whether you use it in the clinic, at home, or simply purchase consumable ozone products like oils and tablets online, ozone can help you treat and prevent disease at a very low starting price. Talk to your practitioner about ozone therapy today to see how it can help you.


1. Rowen, Robert Jay MD,*. Ozone and oxidation therapies as a solution to the emerging crisis in infectious disease management: a review of current knowledge and experience. Medical Gas Research 9(4):p 232-237, Oct–Dec 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/2045-9912.273962 https://journals.lww.com/mgar/fulltext/2019/09040/Ozone_and_oxidation_therapies_as_a_solution_to_the.10.aspx

2. Rajabi O, Sazgarnia A, Abbasi F, Layegh P. The activity of ozonated olive oil against Leishmania major promastigotes. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2015 Sep;18(9):915-9. PMID: 26523224; PMCID: PMC4620192. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4620192/

3.Song, M., Zeng, Q., Xiang, Y., Gao, L., Huang, J., Huang, J. ... Lu, J. (2018). The antibacterial effect of topical ozone on the treatment of MRSA skin infection. Molecular Medicine Reports, 17, 2449-2455. https://doi.org/10.3892/mmr.2017.8148

www.mediskill.com Comprehensive resource for ozone therapy information

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